GCC: Baked Chicken with Honey-Whole Grain Mustard Glaze

I’m so happy that we started up the Gutsy Cook Club – actually if I’m honest Tom is more excited than anyone, since he now gets to eat “real” food.  I have to say for the last couple of months we have eaten crap.  Ok, maybe that is a bit extreme, we eat food, but nothing new, mostly dishes that were fast and have been posted on the blog before and frankly Tom got use to having something new every weekend when I would put my Gutsy Cook hat on, when I told him we were back and and that this weekend we were having a new recipe, he shouted “YES!, glad you are back!”.

If that is not a hint, I don’t know what is.

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Peel n’ eat Shrimp sauté or Shrimp Scampi

We were craving shrimp last night. And wanted something fast, easy and yummy. And we wanted to get our hands dirty and make a mess at the dinner table.  We wanted to peel n’ eat.

And dip.

So Tom showed up after work with a pound and half of shrimp and I showed up hungry!

This is a quick recipe.  You can have this in the table in less than 20 minutes top.  And that’s if you choose to do the dipping sauce.

The great thing about this is that you can do it with any liquor that you have around the house.  Tequila, Rum, Brandy, Sherry, Dry wine -  pretty much anything that will make them sizzle.

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