Dressing for my iPad

Let’s get this out of the way… This is a sponsor post. But, I promise is a good one.

A couple of weeks ago, I was approached by the people of The Snugg, who makes cases for pretty much any product out there that needs protection and look pretty.

I got an iPad for my birthday last year and I been searching high and low for that perfect cover to encase it with, it has taken me a long time to find something. When it comes to certain products I’m what you call picky (very, very picky - it drives my husband crazy).  Especially, if I’m going to spend money on them.  I research it to death, read reviews, seek imperfections and well, by the time I pick a vendor that will meet my needs, I know that I’m going to be happy with my purchase and safe in the knowledge that if anything happens the company will stand by their product.

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Sunday Afternoon Tea Party

I believe we should all celebrate more often.  Not just weddings, anniversaries, milestones and other major moments, but the everyday opportunities – the change of seasons, a new job or just the fact that I love cake! As I always like to point out, when opportunity knocks, answer the door and offer it some food and drinks!

And knock it did.

A few weeks ago I was approached by the marketing group for Donsuemor and told that they liked my collaboration so much during their “Dessert a day” campaign, they wanted to know if I would be interested in partnering with them once more.  They, along with Davidson’s Organics were looking for a few bloggers willing to host a tea party and use their respective products as part of the event.  

They did not have to ask me twice.  I jumped at the chance.

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