GCC: Fruit Stuffed Pork Loin

This past weekend I had every intention of doing this dish, except that I spend it running around doing errands and Saturday dinner turned into pizza.

Instead I decided, I would do it for Sunday’s dinner.

Sunday came and went and back in the refrigerator everything went. But, I made a mental vow that I was going to do this for our Monday night dinner no matter what.

I had doubts that this was going to work out for a quick meal, but once more, I realized that there is always a way.  And in less than 1 hour, I had it on the table for us to dig in.

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GCC: Sweet & Sour Rice Salad

One of the main reasons I started Gutsy Cooks was to push myself when it came to trying new things in the kitchen.  Often time, we get comfortable with our favorite dishes and tend to make them over and over again, losing the opportunities to try new flavors, ingredients, and techniques.

The whole point of calling the cooking club Gutsy was to remind myself, and those that participate every week with me to be fearless in the kitchen.  That is how good cooks are born.

It may be a total bust and you may not like it, but – you.tried.it.  You were Gutsy.  And then there are those times when something you have never thought would work becomes your new favorite thing.

This salad is my new favorite thing.

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