Menu 17: Spicy Shrimp Gratin and Key Lime Pie

First off let me welcome our new member to the Gutsy line up, which has already posted her first collaboration this past week.  Noor from Ya Salam Cooking has joined our mist – so make sure you stop by her blog and say hello.

Can you believe that January is almost coming to a close? This is the second to last menu for this month and oh does it sound good!

  • Spicy Shrimp Gratin - page 273
  • Key Lime Pie – page 429

Shrimp, glorious shrimp, I will totally go out on a limb and say that shrimp is the most eaten seafood in the world.  Don’t you agree?  And this dish looks pretty sassy.  Coated with a creamy cheese sauce and then broiled until golden makes my taste bud go into over drive.  Again, I’m convince that Gruyere must be the cheapest cheese in Europe because this book uses it for almost every single recipe – if you cannot find Gruyere in your side of the world, them may I suggest you replace it with good parmesan, Fontina or even Asiago cheese – all of them are a good substitute to the peppery Gruyere.

The Key lime pie recipe seems to be pretty straight forward too.  Some may not believe this by I hate pie (yep I said it) and the only goes I do eat (and I have to be in the mood for them) is Pecan Pie and Key Lime, so I’m picky, but when I saw one ingredient in the list, I totally shouted YES!  Condensed milk is the best thing for this pie and this tells me that Mrs. Blashford-Snell knows her pie.  I’m so not skipping this one this week.  If you cannot find key lines, know that it’s possible to turn a great Key lime with regular limes too.

So, are you ready to cook?

Let’s get Gutsy guys.