GCC: Sweet & Sour Rice Salad

One of the main reasons I started Gutsy Cooks was to push myself when it came to trying new things in the kitchen.  Often time, we get comfortable with our favorite dishes and tend to make them over and over again, losing the opportunities to try new flavors, ingredients, and techniques.

The whole point of calling the cooking club Gutsy was to remind myself, and those that participate every week with me to be fearless in the kitchen.  That is how good cooks are born.

It may be a total bust and you may not like it, but – you.tried.it.  You were Gutsy.  And then there are those times when something you have never thought would work becomes your new favorite thing.

This salad is my new favorite thing.

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GCC: Coconut Rice Fingers

We continue the rice theme in the Gutsy Cooks Club.  This week it was to “make it sweet “ and the options were so good, that it was very hard to narrow it down to just one.

I’m a die-hard fan of rice pudding – side note: one day I will post my mother’s rice pudding in order to put all the other puddings to shame out there – Of course I will do this as soon as get her to share the recipe.

But, back to rice pudding.  If you see the options, all were a variation of rice pudding.  And boy did I want to make each and everyone one of them.  It really came down between the Rice Pudding ice pops (hello!! Rice Pudding Ice Pops… show me a person that would not be jumping up and down for one of those) and the intriguing Coconut Rice Fingers.

I bet you can guest which ones I went with?

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