GCC: Fruit Stuffed Pork Loin

This past weekend I had every intention of doing this dish, except that I spend it running around doing errands and Saturday dinner turned into pizza.

Instead I decided, I would do it for Sunday’s dinner.

Sunday came and went and back in the refrigerator everything went. But, I made a mental vow that I was going to do this for our Monday night dinner no matter what.

I had doubts that this was going to work out for a quick meal, but once more, I realized that there is always a way.  And in less than 1 hour, I had it on the table for us to dig in.

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Sweet Kitchen Tips 9

A couple of tips about the vegetables I been using on the last post…

Did you know that Leeks were prized for centuries for everything from strength-giving qualities to magical properties.  They are related to both garlic and onion, with a flavor milder than either. In other words - yummylicious. The best way to choose when purchasing them is to make sure they have crisp, brightly colored leaves and unblemished white sections. Avoid any with withered or yellow-spotted leaves.  The smaller the leek, the more tender it will be. They store well in a plastic bag in the refrigerator up to 5 days.  Save the tough green leek ends you trim off, you can put them in a cheesecloth bag and use to flavor soups.

And since we talked about leeks.. let’s talk also about carrots.

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FFwD: Gerard's Mustard Tart

I love savory tarts.  While I have a bad affair with fruit tarts, not so with savory ones.  In fact, I like them all, tomato tarts, zucchinis, with eggs, with cheese, with ricotta, you name it - A total affair of the belly.

And if you do overlook the actual tart, they are healthy too! (let me believe it ok)

So, when I saw what Dorie had choose for us to cook in the second week of French Friday’s with Dorie, I was giddy with excitement, one because it was a tart, and two it had carrots and leeks!  And if there is anything I love more in the vegetable world, is leeks.

By the way, did you know that leeks were the national emblem of Wales?

The recipe calls to use a tart dough which needs to be partially baked ahead of time. I set out to space this out in two days - but, if you are lucky enough to work from home, you can probably get this done earlier in the day and the finish the whole thing in time to put this in your dinner table.  

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