This is what I call a nice "teaser" - another way for you guys to come back soon.
I know, that posting has been sporadic as of late.
I got nobody to blame, but myself. Because my kitchen has been on fire. How on fire? Well I have 4 recipes that have been made, photographed and now they are sitting waiting for the post to go along with it.
Count this post as a teaser of what is to come in the next few days.
You are welcome.
We will start with my one of my favorite recipes from my mother. Her stove top meatloaf, yes you can make meatloaf on the stove - its easy, its fast and the end results the best meatloaf you have ever tasted.
Trust me on this.
Then this past weekend Tom and I were all set to have a Paella party. I been itching to make paella for a couple of months now, maybe because there is a brand new “paellera” pan sitting on my kitchen shouting “USE ME!”. And after much planning we finally decided this weekend was it… except, the weather gods had another thing planned and instead sent us 8 days of non-stop rain.