GCC: Chicken-Filled Enchiladas with Tangy Crema Tomatillo Sauce

And after a very hot summer, the Gutsy Cooks are back in action.  With a new format, new cooks and new visions we are ready to rock on in our kitches the rest of the year.

This time around we are using tons of different creative outlets to set our monthly menus.  Inspirations now can come from a cookbook, or a particular chef, or a theme, maybe a particular technique or even our own cookbooks/recipes – because after cooking with this group of gutsy home cooks, there is huge amount of talent there and I’m really excited to see what they come up with.

For the month of September I decided to go the Mexican route

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GCC: Menu 30 - Chicken Pot Pie

I think our fellow Raymond is reminiscing a bit his childhood with the options he has given us while hosting this months Gutsy Cook menus.  Not that I mind one bit.  Seriously, who can say no to chicken pot pie?

I usually don’t, specially when I go and order it in any restaurant that has it on the menu.  I have been holding off in making it at home, because it just seems like a long difficult dish to make.

But, I’m going to prove to you how wrong I was on that assumption and tell you that in less than 1 hour you can serve this to your family.  First the recipe is made with puff pastry and not pie crust, so you can just go out to the supermarket and get one of those frozen packages, that are just as good a homemade but without the hours upon hours of preparing it.  And while you are there, stop by your supermarket deli and pick up a roast chicken.

See? The most difficult time consuming part of the recipe is DONE.

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GCC: Menu 29 - Coronation Chicken Rolls

I have three words for all you guys: MAKE THIS RECIPE!

This was one of our two options for the Gutsy Cook club this week. Since I knew that we had a beach day planned this past Sunday, I figure this would be the perfect dish to take and eat while sitting in the hot Florida sun, enjoying the crash of the waves, working on our tans and catching up on some reading.

It was sunny.

And the waves were crashing all around us.

But, it was cold!

After unpacking half of our house onto the beach, Tom and the little man did not waste time in strip to their bathing suits and jumping in the water.

Boys are CRAZY!

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