GCC: Menu 27 - Spanish Lentils
It felt good to be back in the kitchen this weekend. First order of business was taking care of lunch and what better way to do that then serve our gutsy cook option for this week, which was Spanish Lentils.
I could go on about how lentils is a pulse and not a grain and all that jazz, but then I wrote about it in our Gutsy Cook pre-cook post and you can read about it here.
This recipe was super easy to do, the only thing I found difficult was to get the lentils to be soft enough for the dish. I cooked them as noted, but after 40 minutes they were still hard, not even to “al dente” stage, but “hard”. So, I cooked them an extra 15 minutes and they still did not reached the right stage. I was afraid of cooking them more, since they still had to be cooked with the other ingredients, so I took them out and hoped for the best.