GCC: Menu 22 - Chicken Biryani (Part 1)
Tom and I love Indian food. Ok, maybe that is not accurate, because I been also saying that I love Italian food, and Mexican food, and Latin food ok, I think I also said here that I like Thai as well – Ok, I come clean, I love ALL FOODS. But Indian food is one of my top five.
Like anything that is new to me, I experience it first at a restaurant and then of course I come home and hit the Internet to find it and make it a home. So when our host of the month, Cynthia and Sam choose the menu for this week in our Gutsy Club, I was really excited, since this is one of the dishes we tend to order in our local Indian restaurant. As I wrote on our Gutsy Cook pre-post, Chicken Biryani, happens to be the most popular Indian recipe around the globe. In India, every region has it’s own version. Some biryani recipes can take hours to prepare. The books recipe is quick and easy since the chicken and rice get cooked together. In less than 30 minutes I had food in our table making this a perfect dish for any day of the week.