Banana Cake with Mocha Frosting and Salted Candied Peanuts

When we arrived last Monday from our Mexico vacation, both Tom and I were holding each other up – yes, were relaxed and loosed and ready to take on the world.  But having just spent most of the day traveling in ferries, transfer buses and planes, by the time we walked in our house, we were exhausted.

We both called our respective work and told them we were going to take the day off.

And we slept.

A lot.

Actually, he slept more than I.  Because, my body knows that when I have plenty of time to oversleep, my internal wake up alarm kicks in and there is nothing that stops me from waking up and not being able to fall back to sleep.  I usually go nuts trying to accomplish this, until I simply give up and get out of bed.

Then I walk around antsy all day.

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HCB: Golden Lemon Almond Cake

See the pretty cake?

You can send many thanks to my main chica Jenn at Knitty Baker.  Go on, visit her and leave a message and tell her how great she is because that beautiful picture up above, I owe it to her.

I’ll wait.

The backstory… every time we would have a HBC cake in the line up that resembled a dense cake that called to use a bunt pan; I would suddenly be hit with pan envy.  Every week as I visited all of the HBC blogs, I would covet everyone’s fancy baking pans while whining like a 3-year old lamenting that I needed to get with the program and buy a fancy pan. 

My plain old bunt cake pan was not cutting it anymore among all the fancy bakers.

Jenn was listening.  I mean what are “chicas” for right?


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Bahamian Rum Cake

I’m cheating.  I’m supposed to be posting my free choice from my Heavenly Cake Baker club.

This is not it.

Instead, I have wanted to make this cake for a while now.  It has been marked in the cookbook for ages and been passed over and over again and again, because of my other baking commitments.  But, this weekend I wanted a boozy cake.  And if you only knew the type of shit stuff I have been dealing with the last couple of weeks, I REALLY NEEDED a boozy cake. 

The more boozy the better.

This one was it.

It has rum in the syrup and rum in the glaze.  To the tune of almost ¾ of a cup.

Boozy enough for you?

Because that is boozy enough for me.

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