Mini Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Buttercream
This week I felt like eating chocolate.
Particularly, chocolate cake.
I also was craving coffee.
Coffee plus chocolate makes one killer cake.
It’s official; my chica brunches are now going to happen once a month. We have way too much time to not do them more often and this time around, we had so much fun.
This time it was a bit more special, since my best friend was visiting for the weekend and she got to meet my new set of friends. I also had the plus benefit of having a helping hand in putting it all together.
Here is my recipe for a great chica brunch:
This past Monday was Tom’s birthday. And a couple of weeks ago as we were sitting planning “Tomfest” (as he likes to call it) I asked the question that I was dreading: “So, what do you want me to bake for your birthday?”
Notice that I did not say, “What type of CAKE you want for your birthday?”
See the cake crazy person in the relationship is me – Tom is all about pies and cooked fruit desserts.
I was hoping that he did not… Because ever since I made that thing, he has been sending hints left and right for a do over.
I have been busy ignoring him.